What's Omegle Tricks and What's Trick?
That's a way of cheating people. So when you chat with a random user you can see or you just saw what it was.
He/she gives you a link and when you click that facebook link you see your facebook profile page and you think he/she knows you.
But that's only a trick. Here is how they do it :)
Omegle Trick's Secret:
The link “http://facebook.com/profile.php?=73322363″ that people use to trick people on omegle is a special one. It may look like a regular facebook profile link but in reality it isn't. When you go to this link it takes you to your own facebook profile no matter who you are, given that you are logged in. Now do you understand?? You must have been surprised that how the hell could someone get your facebook profile ID on a site like omegle.
So you know what's it and what you must or how you can use it :)
15 Ağustos 2012 Çarşamba
Omegle Tricks

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